
Checklist of vascular plants of the Great Altay Transboundary Biosphere Reserve

Version 1.0 Publié par Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve le 6 juin 2018 Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve
Date de publication:
6 juin 2018
CC-BY 4.0

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Checklist of vascular plants of the Great Altay Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (the Altai Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan)

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Artemov I (2018): Checklist of vascular plants of the Great Altay Transboundary Biosphere Reserve. v1.0. Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve. Dataset/Checklist.


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Checklist; vascular plants; Inventory regional; Altai Republic; Republic of Kazakhstan; Great Altai Transboundary Biosphere Reserve


Igor Artemov
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Katunskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve; Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Tatjana Yashina
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Conservateur
Deputy Director for Scientific work
Katunskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserve
Raushan Krykbaeva
  • Conservateur
Deputy Director for Scientific work
Katon-Karagay State National Nature Park

Couverture géographique

The Great Altay Transboundary Biosphere Reserve is situated in the South Siberian region and encompasses part of the Altai Mountains. In the Russian Federation it stretches over the southern part of the Altai Republic, particularly the southern part of Ust-Koksa district. In the Republic of Kazakhstan it is located in the East Kazakhstan province and stretches over large parts of the Katon-Karagay district and reaches into Zyryan district and Kurchum district.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [48,89, 84,88], Nord Est [50,28, 87,31]

Couverture taxonomique

Pas de description disponible

Phylum Tracheophyta (Vascular plants)

Données sur le projet

The management plan for the planned transboundary biosphere reserve (TBR) has been compiled between 2012 and 2015, on the basis of various team and stakeholder workshops, comprehensive telephone and internet conferences as well as on commissioned expert reports on the ecological, socio-economic and legal situation in the region of the Great Altay TBR. The management plan refers to the strategic management of the Great Altay TBR.

Titre Development of a management plan for the planned transboundary reserve “Altai”
Identifiant Project number: 21943
Financement The project was financed by the German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme for environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighbouring the EU. It was supervised by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and the German Federal Environment Agency.
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche The territory of the Great Altay Transboundary Biosphere Reserve includes a lot of environmental conditions and ecological processes and supports a great variety of species (more then 1300 species of vascular plants) and ecosystems: alpine and subalpine meadows, forests, forest-steppes and steppes, aquatic ecosystems, glacial and nival ecosystems, tundras. As part of the Altai-Sayan-Ecoregion, TBR belongs to one of the Global 200 Ecoregions, a global ranking list of the World’s most biologically outstanding areas.
Description du design The management plan of the Great Altay TBR is designed as a general strategic framework for operative planning, which will be re-defined and adapted in participatory processes.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Pierre L. Ibisch
Peter Hobson
Anja Krause
Anja Wunsch
Judith Kloiber
Erlan Mustafin
Raushan Krykbaeva
Alija Gabdullina
Alexander Zateev
Tatjana Yashina
Thomas Schaaf
Valery Neronov
Igor Artemov

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Herbarium specimens has been collected by means of a semistationary method of local floras and hiking.

Etendue de l'étude A checklist of vascular flora of the Great Altay TBR is compiled by the results of numerous author’s expeditions since 1985. Collected specimens as well as field records, in particular relevés, were considered. Specimens of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden Herbarium (NS) collected by another researches and literature sources were taken into account as well.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. By now 1332 species and subspecies of vascular plants (mainly native) are registered on the Great Altay TBR territory. Is expected that the number of species in the territory will be increased, especially at the expence of anthropofilic and invasive ones.

Données de collection

Nom de la collection Herbarium of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Identifiant de collection NS
Méthode de conservation des spécimens Dried and pressed

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Артемов И.А. Флора Катунского хребта (Центральный Алтай). Новосибирск: ЦСБС СО РАН, 1993. 113 с.
  2. Артемов И.А. Флора Природного Парка «Белуха», Растительность Природного Парка «Белуха». Отчет в Летопись природы Катунского заповедника. 2007.
  3. Артемов И.А. Флоры Арчатинского и Черновинского лесничеств Катон-Карагайского национального парка (Республика Казахстан) по материалам экспедиционных исследований 2009 г.). Отчет.
  4. Артемов И.А. Определитель растений Катунского биосферного заповедника. Барнаул: Пять-Плюс, 2012. 318 с.
  5. Аралбаев. Н.К. Данилов. М.П. Исаев Е.Б. Растительный покров Ботанико-геологического заказника «Рахмановские ключи». Отчет. Алматы, 2003. 43 с.
  6. Байтулин И.О., Кузьмин Э.В., Егеубаева Р.А., Мырзагалиева А.Б. Изучение ресурсов викарных видов лекарственных растений Восточного Казахстана и разработка научных основ эксплуатации зарослей. Отчет. Алма-Ата, 2004. 25 с.
  7. Герман Д.А. Новые таксоны рода Erysimum L. (Cruciferae) из Казахстанского Алтая // Turczaninowia, 2004. Т. 7. Вып. 2. С. 14–18.
  8. Данилов М.П. Описание растительного покрова Катон-Карагайского государственного национального природного парка в районе перевала Бурхат. Отчет. 2005.
  9. Исаев Е.Б. Конспект флоры хребта Южный Алтай. Алматы, 1993. 125 с.
  10. Котухов Ю.А. Новые виды рода Elymus (Poaceae) из Восточного Казахстана // Ботанический журнал, 1992. Т. 77. Вып. 6. С. 89–93.
  11. Котухов Ю.А. Новые виды рода Elymus (Poaceae) из Западного Алтая // Turczaninowia, 1999. Т. 2. Вып. 4. С. 5–10.
  12. Крылов П.Н. Флора Западной Сибири. Томск, 1927–1949. Т. 1–11
  13. Ревушкин А.С. Высокогорная флора Алтая. Томск: Изд-во ТГУ, 1988. 318 с.
  14. Ревякина Н.В. Приледниковая флора Катунского хребта (Центральный Алтай). Диссертация на соискание степени кандидата биологических наук. Томск, 1978.
  15. Ревякина Н.В. Современная приледниковая флора Алтае-Саянской горной области. Барнаул, 1996. 310 с.

Métadonnées additionnelles