Data on biodiversity of a boreal mire and its hydrographic network (Shichengskoe mire, North-Western Russia)

Latest version published by Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences on Feb 23, 2022 Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences

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This dataset provides current data on the biodiversity of Shichegskoe mire (Vologda region, North-Western Russia), including various mire sites and intra-mire water bodies. The data contain materials on the diversity of Animalia (2886 occurrences), Bacteria (22), Chromista (256), Fungi (111), Plantae (2463), Protozoa (131). A total of 5869 occurrences (1249 lowerrank taxa and 109 taxa identified to the genus level) are included in the list.

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Dmitriy A. Philippov
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Leading Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
152742 Borok
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Sergey G. Ermilov
  • Metadata Provider
Leading Researcher
Tyumen State University
6 Volodarskogo Street
625003 Tyumen
Vera L. Zaytseva
  • Metadata Provider
Junior Researcher
Vologda Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
5 Levicheva Street
160012 Vologda
Sergey V. Pestov
  • Metadata Provider
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
28 Kommunisticheskaya Street
167982 Syktyvkar
Eugeniy A. Kuzmin
  • Metadata Provider
Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher
Saint Petersburg
Julia N. Shabalina
  • Metadata Provider
Assistant Professor
Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin
55 Oktyabrskiy Prospekt
167001 Syktyvkar
Aleksey S. Sazhnev
  • Metadata Provider
Senior Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
152742 Borok
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Ksenya N. Ivicheva
  • Metadata Provider
Senior Specialist
Vologda Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography
5 Levicheva Street
160012 Vologda
Irina N. Sterlyagova
  • Metadata Provider
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
28 Kommunisticheskaya Street
167982 Syktyvkar
Mikhail M. Leonov
  • Metadata Provider
Independent Researcher
Independent Researcher
Margarita A. Boychuk
  • Metadata Provider
Senior Researcher
Institute of Biology of Karelian Research Centre Russian Academy of Sciences
11 Pushkinskaya Street
185910 Petrozavodsk
Andrey B. Czhobadze
  • Metadata Provider
Senior Lecturer
Vologda State University
17 Lenina Street
160000 Vologda
Kristina I. Prokina
  • Metadata Provider
Senior Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
152742 Borok
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Mikhail V. Dulin
  • Metadata Provider
Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
28 Kommunisticheskaya Street
167982 Syktyvkar
Omid Joharchi
  • Metadata Provider
Tyumen State University
6 Volodarskogo Street
625003 Tyumen
Aleksey A. Shabunov
  • Metadata Provider
Assistant Professor
Vologda State University
17 Lenina Street
160000 Vologda
Olga S. Shiryaeva
  • Metadata Provider
Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
202 8Marta Street
620144 Yekaterinburg
Andrey N. Levashov
  • Metadata Provider
Institution of Additional Education “Center of Creativity”
25 Razina Street
160029 Vologda
Aleksandra S. Komarova
  • Metadata Provider
Junior Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
152742 Borok
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Victoria V. Yurchenko
  • Metadata Provider
Senior Researcher
Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences
Yaroslavl region Nekouzskiy district
Natalya Ivanova
  • Programmer
Senior Researcher
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS
1, Vitkevicha str.
142290 Pushchino

Geographic Coverage

The study area is situated in the central part of the Vologda Region (59.8988 – 60.0590 N, 41.2327 – 41.5540 E), North-Western Russia, the southern part of the middle taiga zone. About 90% of the Shichegskoe mire belongs to the regional Shichengskiy Landscape Reserve. Shichegskoe wetland is a large mire area including the peatland (Shichengskoe mire), intra-mire lakes (Shichengskoe lake, Plakunovskoe lake, Polyanok lake) and rivers (Glukhaya Sondushka river, Sondushka river, Shichenga river), nameless mire streams and brooks, fen strips and lags, Sphagnum hollows, secondary hollow-pools, and disturbed areas (Philippov, 2017). Chemical characteristics of the intra-mire water objects were reported earlier (Philippov and Yurchenko, 2020), as well as the data on microclimate differences between the mire cites (Philippov and Yurchenko, 2019).

Bounding Coordinates South West [59.923, 41.259], North East [59.965, 41.531]

Taxonomic Coverage

This dataset provides current data on vascular plants, cryptogams, microalgae and bacteria, protozoans, terrestrial, soil, and aquatic invertebrates, as well as terrestrial and aquatic vertebrates in the Shichegskoe wetland. The list consists of Animalia (5 phyla, 13 classes, 51 orders, 225 families), Bacteria (2 phyla, 2 classes, 5 orders, 9 families), Chromista (7 phyla, 7 classes, 23 orders, 41 families), Fungi (2 phyla, 2 classes, 9 orders, 22 families), Plantae (6 phyla, 13 classes, 52 orders, 105 families), and Protozoa (6 phyla, 9 classes, 13 orders, 27 families) species. Overall, the dataset comprises 1358 taxa, including 1249 lower-rank taxa (species, subspecies, varieties, forms) and 109 taxa identified to the genus level.

Kingdom Animalia, Bacteria, Chromista, Fungi, Plantae, Protozoa

No Description available

Phylum Amoebozoa, Annelida, Arthropoda, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Bigyra, Bryophyta, Cercozoa, Charophyta, Chlorophyta, Choanozoa, Chordata, Cryptophyta, Cyanobacteria, Euglenozoa, Foraminifera, Heliozoa, Loukozoa, Marchantiophyta, Mollusca, Myzozoa, Ochrophyta, Proteobacteria, Rhodophyta, Rotifera, Sulcozoa, Tracheophyta

No Description available

Class Actinopterygii, Agaricomycetes, Amphibia, Arachnida, Aves, Bacillariophyceae, Branchiopoda, Bryopsida, Charophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Choanoflagellatea, Chrysophyceae, Clitellata, Cryptophyceae, Cyanobacteriia, Dictyochophyceae, Dinophyceae, Entosiphonea, Euglenoidea, Eurotatoria, Filosia, Florideophyceae, Gammaproteobacteria, Gastropoda, Glissodiscea, Hexanauplia, Insecta, Jakobea, Jungermanniopsida, Kinetoplastea, Lecanoromycetes, Liliopsida, Lobosa, Magnoliopsida, Malacostraca, Mammalia, Marchantiopsida, Pinopsida, Polypodiopsida, Raphidophyceae, Reptilia, Sphagnopsida, Thecomonadea, Trebouxiophyceae, Xanthophyceae, Zygnematophyceae

No Description available

Order Accipitriformes, Achnanthales, Aconchulinida, Agaricales, Alismatales, Allogromiida, Amphipoda, Anseriformes, Anura, Apiales, Apodiformes, Apusomonadida, Araneae, Arcellinida, Arhynchobdellida, Artiodactyla, Asparagales, Asterales, Aulacoseirales, Bacillariales, Batrachospermales, Bdelloidea, Bodonida, Boletales, Boraginales, Brassicales, Bryales, Burkholderiales, Calanoida, Caliciales, Carnivora, Caryophyllales, Celastrales, Centrohelida, Charadriiformes, Charales, Chlorellales, Choanoflagellida, Chromulinales, Coleoptera, Columbiformes, Cryptomonadales, Cuculiformes, Cyanobacteriales, Cyclopoida, Cymbellales, Cypriniformes, Dicranales, Diplostraca, Dipsacales, Diptera, Entosiphonida, Ephemeroptera, Equisetales, Ericales, Esociformes, Eubodonida, Euglenida, Eunotiales, Fabales, Fagales, Falconiformes, Fissidentales, Flosculariaceae, Fossombroniales, Fragilariales, Galliformes, Gentianales, Geraniales, Gonyaulacales, Gruiformes, Gymnodiniales, Haplotaxida, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Hypnales, Isobryales, Ixodida, Jakobida, Jungermanniales, Lagomorpha, Lamiales, Lecanorales, Lepidoptera, Leptolyngbyales, Leucodontales, Licmophorales, Liliales, Lumbriculida, Malpighiales, Malvales, Marchantiales, Megaloptera, Mesostigmata, Metzgeriales, Mischococcales, Myrtales, Naviculales, Nymphaeales, Ochromonadales, Odonata, Oedogoniales, Oocystales, Orthoptera, Oxalidales, Parabodonida, Passeriformes, Pedinellales, Pelecaniformes, Pelliales, Peltigerales, Peranemida, Perciformes, Peridiniales, Pertusariales, Petalomonadida, Piciformes, Pinales, Plecoptera, Ploeotiida, Ploima, Poales, Polypodiales, Polytrichales, Porellales, Pseudanabaenales, Pseudoscorpiones, Ptilidiales, Ranunculales, Rhynchobdellida, Rodentia, Rosales, Russulales, Sarcoptiformes, Saxifragales, Solanales, Sphaeropleales, Sphagnales, Squamata, Strigiformes, Surirellales, Synechococcales, Synurales, Tabellariales, Teloschistales, Tetraphidales, Thalassiosirales, Thysanoptera, Tribonematales, Trichoptera, Trombidiformes, Umbilicariales, Zygnematales

Temporal Coverage

Start Date 1972-01-01
Start Date 1986-01-01
Formation Period 2000 – 2021

Project Data

No Description available

Title Russia 2021
Identifier N-Eurasia-Russia2021

The personnel involved in the project:

Dmitriy A. Philippov

Sampling Methods

Biodiversity studies in the Shichengskoe mire were conducted from April to October, employing the route, reconnaissance, and semi-stationary field approaches. Some microhabitats were studied one time only, most of the well-accessible microhabitats during one or several vegetation seasons. The set of methods and techniques used in the field depended on both financial, time, and logistical capabilities and the available specialists for "narrow" taxonomic groups. When studying the Shichengskoe mire and other wetlands in Russia, we formed a general approach for investigating these types of objects; therefore, in 2017, we published the work describing the program, methods, and techniques for hydrobiological and ecological research of mires (Philippov et al., 2017). It was this work we mainly relied on to obtain data on the biodiversity of this wetland ecosystem.

Study Extent A list of records for different taxonomic and ecological groups of organisms inhabiting a large wetland in North-Western Russia, the Shichengskoe mire, is presented. By the time we started our studies, only fragmentary data on the biodiversity of the Shichengskoe wetland had been obtained (dated 1972, 1986, 2000, and 2002). Our work began in 2000 and continues to this day. The most detailed and long-term biodiversity studies were carried out for higher plants and terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates. The data on the composition of lichens, protozoa, algae, basidiomycetes, some groups of invertebrates (e.g., Collembola), and, to a lesser extent, lichens and vertebrates are far more scarce and requires further substantial research efforts. The list includes observations for the species made both within the peatland (mire sites and mire margins differed in typology) and in the objects of wetland hydrographic network, which we consider a structural element integral to the mire ecosystem (Philippov, 2017). This dataset includes both published and unpublished materials.
Quality Control The data was collected and identified by scientists from Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen State University, Vologda Branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, Vologda State University, Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Institute of Biology of Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The accuracy of identification of some samples was confirmed by the experts from Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Method step description:

  1. Research problem formulation.
  2. Logistic issues resolution, including the choice of routes, water objects, time and duration of work.
  3. Field stage: obtaining samples and other original materials on the biodiversity of various components of the mire ecosystem. (a) Vascular plants. In the field, pictures of plants and floristic lists were made, some species were collected in a herbarium (Philippov, 2015; Philippov and Boychuk, 2015; Philippov and Dulin, 2015; Bobroff et al., 2017); several hydrochemical parameters (water temperature, total dissolved solids, pH, and electrical conductivity) were measured using portable devices. On the model sampling plots, relevés were made for mire sites different in microrelief (strings/ridges, hummocks, lawns, hollows, hollow-pools). (b) Fungi. Basidiomycetes and lichens were studied on the way; as a rule, they were photographed, and some samples were collected in the herbarium (Czhobadze and Philippov, 2015). (c) Algae. Samples were collected from the surface layer of water in several spots within the studied microbiotope using a plankton nylon net with a 20 μm pore diameter and a plastic sampler. Samples were fixed with a 4% formalin (Kapustin et al., 2016; Sterlyagova et al., 2016). (d) Protozoa. Samples of heterotrophic flagellates and centrohelid heliozoans were collected in various microhabitats (water, upper peat or sediment layers, plants – by squeezing or washing off). Samples were collected in plastic tubes and transported to the laboratory at 4°C (Prokina et al., 2017; Prokina and Philippov, 2018). To study testate amoebae diversity, Sphagnum mosses were collected in plastic tubes; the number of individual plants depended on the clump density and a species (Philippov and Leonov, 2017). (e) Aquatic invertebrates. Zooplankton samples were collected at the model mire sites (lake, hollow-pool, fen strip, hollow, and mire stream) by filtering water (5 to 50 L) through a plankton net with 74 µm mesh. Samples were preserved with 4% formalin (Zaytseva et al., 2016, 2017; Lobunicheva and Philippov, 2017). Benthos invertebrates were collected at the model mire sites (lakes, fen strip, and mire stream) with a bottom scraper (20 × 20 cm area). Each sample was washed through a 250 μm mesh nylon sieve, put in a plastic container, and preserved in 40% formaldehyde. In a mire stream and mire lakes, macrophyte-associated invertebrates were sampled; for that, water mosses clumps and aquatic plants with floating leaves were placed in plastic containers and preserved in 40% formaldehyde (Ivicheva and Philippov, 2013, 2017). The composition of aquatic, semi-aquatic, and amphibiotic beetle communities was studied using trampling and sweeping procedures (Sazhnev and Philippov, 2017; Sazhnev et al., 2019, 2020). Imagines and larvae were placed in ethanol. (f) Terrestrial and soil invertebrates. The study of terrestrial insects and arachnids were carried out mainly on three model sites (fen strip, a ridge-hollow site, and a mire stream valley at the mire margin) using a sweeping technique (30 sweeps in triplicate; diameter of the hoop 30 cm ) ("Pollard walks") (Pestov and Philippov, 2021). Manual collection of insects was performed outside the model sampling plots. Captured arthropods were euthanized with diethyl ether (Golub et al., 2021). Ticks were studied mainly in Sphagnum-dominated communities. Within the selected mire sites, samples were collected in microhabitats - on certain Sphagnum species from mire sites different in microrelief (ridge, carpet, hollow). Sphagnum moss samples for mite extraction were collected as 10 × 10 cm samples to the depth of living moss plants (including capitula and the length of stems). Collected samples of moss substrates were placed in plastic zip bags and transported to the laboratory (Minor et al., 2016, 2019). (g) Vertebrates. Along with studying other groups of organisms, visual observations of vertebrates and their traces were carried out (Philippov and Shabunov, 2013). Whenever possible, animals and their traces were photographed, feathers or other fragments of animals or feces were collected. Fishing was carried out with a float rod within legally approved periods.
  4. Data collection: analysis of samples not identified in the field or verification of the identification data by the experts. (a, b) Vascular plants and fungi. Herbarium materials of Tracheophyta, Bryophyta, Marchantiophyta, and Ascomycota were transferred for processing to the Herbarium of the Mire Research Group of Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences (MIRE), some doublets were transferred to VO, IBIW, PTZ, and SYKO. (c) Algae. Sedimented phytoplankton for qualitative and quantitative analysis was examined in a Nageotte counting chamber (0.01 cm3) using a ZeissAxiolab, NikonEclipse 80 i and XSZ-2101 (at ×400 and ×1000 magnification). Taxonomic identification was made to the closest possible low-rang taxon. (d) Protozoa. In the laboratory, heterotrophic flagellates and centrohelid heliozoans samples were enriched with a suspension of Pseudomonas fluorescens Migula bacteria at the ratio of 0.15 ml of suspension per 5 ml of sample and placed in Petri dishes. Samples were kept at 22°C in the dark and observed for 10 days to reveal the cryptic species diversity according to the accepted methodology (Vørs, 1992). For observations, an AxioScope A1 light microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) with DIC and phase contrast and water immersion objectives (total magnification ×1120) was used. Video recording was made by an AVT HORN MC1009/S analog video camera. Electron microscope preparations were carried out according to the approved method (Moestrup and Thomsen, 1980) and observed in a JEM-1011 transmission electron microscope (Jeol, Japan). Testate amoebae samples were analyzed immediately after transportation to the laboratory. NU-2E and Peraval-Interphako with water and oil immersion and an MBI-3 light microscope with a KF-5 phase-contrast installation in transmitted light were used. Analysis of heterotrophic flagellates, centrohelid heliozoans, and testate amoebae abundance in the samples was not performed. (e) Aquatic invertebrates. All specimens of zooplankton and zoobenthos were identified with an MBS-10 stereoscopic microscope and a Mikmed-6 microscope (LOMO, Russia). Aquatic insects were identified using Micromed MC-5-ZOOM LED and Leica M165C stereoscopic microscopes. These materials are deposited in the “Collection of autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms of mire ecosystems, IBIW RAS” and the entomologic collection of IBIW RAS. (g) Terrestrial and soil invertebrates. On the day of sampling, sweep samples of terrestrial arthropods were primarily sorted by the main taxonomic groups (spiders, beetles, dipterans, etc.). Separate samples were then fixed in ethanol. Detailed analysis, identification, and counting were performed later by experts. Part of the collection was deposited in the Science Museum of IB Komi SC UB RAS. Mites from moss samples were extracted in modified Berlese funnels for five days. Adult Oribatida and Mesostigmata were identified to a species level and counted. Taxonomic identification of mites was carried out by the Acarology research group of Tyumen State University. (f) Vertebrates. Found fragments of animals and their traces were collected and studied in the laboratory. Faunal lists were compiled.
  5. Records list compilation. The dataset fields’ names were chosen according to Darwin Core (Wieczorek et al., 2012) and include the following: «occurrenceID», «basisOfRecord», «scientificName», «eventDate», «taxonRank», «kingdom», «habitat», «decimalLatitude», «decimalLongitude», «geodeticDatum», «coordinateUncertaintyInMeters», «coordinatePrecision», «countryCode», «country», «stateProvince», «county», «locality», «individualCount», «sex», «lifeStage», «organismQuantity», «organismQuantityType», «sampleSizeValue», «sampleSizeUnit», «year», «month», «day», «recordedBy», «identifiedBy», «dateIdentified», «associatedReferences». Georeferencing was made using a GPS navigator or Google maps. In all cases, the WGS-84 coordinate system is used.

Bibliographic Citations

  1. Bobroff YuA, Pozdeeva LM, Philippov DA (2017) Variation in biomorphological structure of mire flora during the evolution of its surface hydrographic network. Trudy Instituta biologii vnutrennikh vod imeni Papanina RAN, 79/82: 23–29. [In Russian with English summary].
  2. Czhobadze AB, Philippov DA (2015) New location of protected species of lichens in the Vologda Region. Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoy Evropy 9 (1): 121–131. [In Russian with English summary].
  3. Golub VB, Tsurikov MN, Prokin AA (2021) Collections of insects: collecting, handling and keeping of the material. 2nd edition. KMK Scientific Press Ltd., Moscow, 339 pp. [In Russian].
  4. Ivicheva KN, Philippov DA (2013) On macrozoophytes in Fontinalis antipyretica communities in ponds and streams of the Vologda region. Yaroslavskiy pedagogicheskiy vestnik 3 (4): 166–170. [In Russian with English summary].
  5. Ivicheva KN, Philippov DA (2017) Aquatic macroinvertebrates of raised bogs in the central part of the Vologda Region, Russia. Trudy Karel’skogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiyskoy akademii nauk 9: 30–45. [In Russian with English summary].
  6. Kapustin DA, Philippov DA, Sokolova IV, Gusev ES (2016) Petalomonas sphagnophila (Euglenophyta, Petalomonadales), a new euglenophyte species for Russia. Novosti Systematiki Nizshikh Rasteniy 50: 112–119. [In Russian with English summary].
  7. Lobunicheva EV, Philippov DA (2017) Zooplankton of intramire primary lakes of the Shichengskoe mire (Vologda Region, Russia). Trudy Instituta biologii vnutrennikh vod imeni Papanina RAN, 79/82: 95–100. [In Russian with English summary].
  8. Minor M.A, Ermilov SG, Philippov DА, Prokin AA (2016). Relative importance of local habitat complexity and regional factors for assemblages of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in Sphagnum peat bogs. Experimental and Applied Acarology 70 (3): 275–286. [In English].
  9. Minor MA, Ermilov SG, Philippov DА (2019). Hydrology-driven environmental variability determines abiotic characteristics and Oribatida diversity patterns in a Sphagnum peatland system. Experimental and Applied Acarology 77 (1): 43–58. [In English].
  10. Moestrup Ø, Thomsen HA (1980) Preparation of shadow-cast whole mounts. In: Stein-Taylor JR, Gantt E (Eds.) Handbook of Phycological Methods: Developmental and Cytological Methods (Vol. 3). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 385–390 pp. [In English].
  11. Pestov SV, Philippov DA (2021) Structure of the plant-inhabiting insect fauna in a middle-taiga mire (Vologda Region, Russia). Theoretical and Applied Ecology 2: 215–221. [In Russian with English summary].
  12. Philippov DA (2015) Flora of wetland "Shichengskoe" (Vologda Region, Russia). Fitoraznoobrazie Vostochnoy Evropy 9 (4): 86–117. [In Russian with English summary].
  13. Philippov DA (2017) Specific features of structural organization of hydrobiocenoses in different-type of mire water bodies and water courses. Trudy Instituta biologii vnutrennikh vod imeni Papanina RAN, 79/82: 251–277. [In Russian with English summary].
  14. Philippov DA, Boychuk MA (2015) Mosses of the Shichengskiy Landscape Reserve (Vologda Region). Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federal’nogo universiteta. Seriya “Estestvennye nauki” 2: 80–89. [In Russian with English summary].
  15. Philippov DA, Dulin MV (2015) Liverworts of the Shichengskiy Landscape Reserve (Vologda region)]. Bulleten’ Bryanskogo otdeleniya Russkogo botanicheskogo obschestva 1: 14–21. [In Russian with English summary].
  16. Philippov DA, Leonov MM (2017) First data on testate amoebas (Testacea) in mires of Vologda Region, Russia]. Trudy Instituta biologii vnutrennikh vod imeni Papanina RAN, 79/82: 243–250. [In Russian with English summary].
  17. Philippov DA, Prokin AA, Przhiboro AA (2017) Methods and methodology of hydrobiological study of mires: tutorial. University of Tyumen Publishing, Tyumen, 207 pp. [In Russian].
  18. Philippov DA, Shabunov AA (2013) On avifauna of the Shichengskoe bog (Vologda Oblast). Russkiy ornitologicheskiy zhurnal 22 (950): 3413–3421. [In Russian].
  19. Philippov DA, Yurchenko VV (2019) Data on air temperature, relative humidity and dew point in a boreal Sphagnum bog and an upland site (Shichengskoe mire system, North-Western Russia). Data in Brief 25: 104156. [In English].
  20. Philippov DA, Yurchenko VV (2020) Data on chemical characteristics of waters in two boreal Sphagnum mires (North-Western Russia). Data in Brief 28: 104928. [In English].
  21. Prokina KI, Philippov DA (2018). Heterotrophic flagellates in the primary lakes and hollow-pools of mires in the European North of Russia. Protistology 12 (2): P. 81–96. [In English].
  22. Prokina KI, Zagumyonnyi DG, Philippov DA (2017). Centrohelids in the mires of Northern Russia. Protistology 11 (1): 3–19. [In English].
  23. Sazhnev AS, Ivicheva KN, Komarova AS, Philippov DA (2019) A review of aquatic, semi-aquatic and amphibiotic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Vologodskaya Oblast, Russia. Evraziatskii Entomologicheskii Zhurnal 18 (1): 60–74. [In Russian with English summary].
  24. Sazhnev AS, Komarova AS, Philippov DA (2020) New records of aquatic beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) for the fauna of Vologodskaya Oblast, Russia. Evraziatskii Entomologicheskii Zhurnal 19 (3): 134–137. [In Russian with English summary].
  25. Sazhnev AS, Philippov DA (2017) On aquatic and amphibiotic beetles (Insecta: Co-leoptera) of mire water bodies of Vologda Region, Russia). Trudy Instituta biologii vnutrennikh vod imeni Papanina RAN, 79/82: 194–199. [In Russian with English summary].
  26. Sterlyagova IN, Shabalina YuN, Philippov DA (2016) Materials for the algoflora of the Shichengskoe mire (Vologda Region) (Vologda Region). In: Degteva SV (Ed.) Actual problems of biology and ecology: Proceedings of the XXIII All-Russian Youth Scientific Conference. IB Komi SC UB RAS, Syktyvkar, 41–44. [In Russian]. [ISBN 978-5-89606-555-5].
  27. Vørs N (1992) Heterotrophic Amoebae, Flagellates and Heliozoa from the Tvärminne area, Gulf of Finland, in 1988–1990. Ophelia 36 (1): 1–109. [In English].
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