The mycological research in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra stems from isolated studies in the beginning of the 20th century, but regular and systematic research dates back to the 1970-80s. Over the following decades several dozens of researches have worked in the area and a total of about 180 scientific works have been published. Fungal Records Database of Yugra (FReDY) was developed to accumulate the results of previous studies of species distributions. The FReDY database includes 22 fields describing species name, publication source, herbarium number, date of sampling, locality information, vegetation, substrate, and others. The occurrences in the database were extracted from previously published works, no herbarium collections or other unpublished records were included in the database. Presently, the dataset includes about 15 thousand of fungal occurrences recorded in the region, reported from 79 scientific publications. According to the database summary report, there are about 2.553 species identified within KHMAO up-to-date. The richest studied classes are Agaricomycetes (50%) and Lecanoromycetes (33%) with totally 19 classes represented.
Data Records
The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 15,040 records.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.
How to cite
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
Filippova N, Arefyev S, Bulyonkova T, Zvyagina E, Kapitonov V, Makarova T, Mukhin V, Stavishenko I, Tavshanzhi E, Shiryaev A, Tolpysheva T, Sedelnikova N (2020): Fungal records database of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra (Russia, West Siberia). v1.4. Yugra State University Biological Collection (YSU BC). Dataset/Occurrence.
Researchers should respect the following rights statement:
The publisher and rights holder of this work is Yugra State University Biological Collection (YSU BC). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 29e78377-34c3-4c91-8062-550069a92b70. Yugra State University Biological Collection (YSU BC) publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Participant Node Managers Committee.
Occurrence; Specimen
- Metadata Provider ●
- Point Of Contact
- researcher
- Originator
- researcher
- Originator
- researcher
- Originator
- researcher
- Originator
- researcher
- Originator
- researcher
- Originator
- researcher
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- Originator
- reseacher
- Originator
- researcher
- Zolotodolinskaya, 101
- Metadata Provider ●
- Point Of Contact
- researcher
- Chekhova street, 16, Khanty-Mansiysk
Geographic Coverage
The dataset is limited by the administrative borders of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. The region occupies the central part of the West Siberian Plain. The area extends for 1.400 km from the West to the East from Eastern slopes of the Ural mountains to Yenisey river and from North to South – 900 km. The relief of the region is mainly a plain, but western part of the territory is occupied by the Ural mountains with the highest points reaching up to 2.000 m. Taiga forests and widely spread peatlands occupy the plain, while the Urals represent mountain vegetation from taiga to alpine zones. All administrative divisions of the region were studied for fungi, however, the intensity of the research varies. Thus, 80% of all records in the database have been made at three districts (Berezovskiy rayon, Surgutskiy rayon, Khanty-Mansiyskiy rayon). Localities of the studies are situated randomly, no attempts of regular studies using grid pattern have been done before. The areas under different kinds of nature protection are better studied compared to others: about half of all records in the database comes from 13 protected areas.
Bounding Coordinates | South West [58.309, 58.887], North East [65.749, 86.353] |
Taxonomic Coverage
The taxonomic coverage of the database includes Fungi (Eumycota) and Myxomycota, totally about 2,600 species from 70 orders, 267 families and 823 genuses.
Kingdom | Fungi |
Informal | Myxomycota |
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date | 1905-01-01 / 2019-01-01 |
Project Data
The mycological research in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra (KHMAO) has been implemented for several decades and made by over 50 researchers working in the region. In 2016 a team of researchers who had worked previously in the area started collaborative work on the project with the goal to summarize the accumulated data on research and speries occurrences. As a result the historical review was published in two review articles (Filippova et al., 2017a, 2017b), the bibliography of mycological studies was compiled, and the database of fungal records was initiated. A short summary of historical review of the mycological research in the area is as follows: One of the well-studied ecological groups in the area is Lignicolous basidiomycetes. Victor A. Mukhin made a geographical analysis and studied ecological characteristics of lignicolous basidiomycetes through all zones of WS from the forest-steppe zone in the south to tundra-steppe in the north. A possible origin of the mycota in the geographic aspect was analyzed as well as the diversity of the species outlined and ecological factors affecting the species (e.g. humidity, temperature, substrate specialization, interspecific competition) described. Communities of lignicolous fungi were analyzed according to the inhabited forest types: dark coniferous, light coniferous, broad-leaved, small-leaved or floodplain forests. Stages of wood decomposition are described in WS and characterized by the species of relevant fungal communities. Finally, the rare species of particular habitats and zones were revealed, and the recommendations on their protection were proposed. Stanislav P. Arevyev and Iraida V. Stavishenko continued researching lignicolous basidiomycetes in the region. They provided additional studies of species diversity in the most part of conservation areas and made ecological monitoring in the areas of oil and gas extraction. Iraida V. Stavishenko described in detail the lignicolous macrofungi of the middle-taiga Priobye region in her PhD thesis. Stanislav P. Arefyev used mathematical methods of ecological modeling to predict species composition of lignicolous fungi depending on substrate characteristics, climate and disturbance of the forest. The forest- and phytopathological studies were undertaken by Stanislav P. Arefyev, and Tatiana A. Makarova with coauthors. The fungal pathogens of Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica) were studied and the ecological causes of diseases described along with recommendations on afforestation of Siberian pine cultures. The studies on the causes and extent of the myco-pathological diseases of urban spaces were made in Surgut city and in some other areas. The terricolous macrofungi are an important ecological group of saprotrophs and ecto-mycorrhizal species. The diversity of macrofungi was studied in a number of areas of KhMAO: the most intense studies were made in its capital – Khanty-Mansiysk vicinities and in the south-east part (Yuganskiy Nature Reserve). Nina V. Filippova with co-authors revealed species diversity and community structure in forests near Khanty-Mansiysk and Elena A. Zvyagina with coauthors have been implementing permanent research of mycobiota in Yuganskiy reserve. In addition to the annotated species lists, particular features of ecology, biology and abundance were described in separate works for some rare and protected or under-studied species. The study of mycobiota of clavarioid basidiomycetes was made in one conservation area (Anton G. Shiryaev). The region of Yugra is sufficiently bogged, where peatlands could cover up to 70% of the territory in some regions. The fungal communities of peatlands (raised bogs) were studied here in details, such as: macrofungi, microfungi on different litter debris of bog plants, yeasts on Sphagnum and bog plants, lignicolous fungi of bog pines and others. The lichens represent a large part of the species list of fungi described in the region. The lichen mycobiota was described in several conservation areas, the highest diversity revealed in the North Ural mountains reaching about 900 species within a relatively small area (Nadezhda V. Sedelnikova). The species diversity of myxomycetes was revealed in two studies at conservation areas. The fungal conservation programs were started in the region after publication of the first Red list of fungi (2003). Henceforth, data on rare species have been accumulated during the following inventories and special rare species monitoring programs. The second improved edition of the Red list of fungi (2013) included 53 species of fungi and 29 species of lichens. There were three species and one combination newly described in the region during the history of its research and some additional works report on collections of possibly under-described species which leaves a wide field of future work. Development of mycological research in the region requires organization of the fungal collections (fungaria) which could promote research in fungal diversity, taxonomy, ecology and applied fields in the region. There are only five known collections of fungi located in the region, which are part of biological collections of museums, universities or Nature Reserves. The total amount of specimens of fungi and lichens in these collections reaches about 10.000. A large part of the collected and identified specimens are stored outside the borders of Yugra in the federal Russian collections (like LE, Botanical Institute in Saint-Petersburg) or in other collections located in the researchers institutions.
Title | The review of the mycological studies in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra accomplished up to date |
The personnel involved in the project:
Sampling Methods
Methods of fungal observations in the publications, included in FReDY vary in different studies but generally follow protocols of (Mueller et al., 2004, Biodiversity of fungi: inventory and monitoring methods). A majority of the records was made using direct observations (no cultivation) during inventory work in the area. Plot-based monitoring for recording terrestrial and lignicolous macrofungi was organized by some researchers and allowed to estimate quantitative parameters and dynamics of fungal communities. The majority of records was accompanied by specimens sampling which are now stored in different collections. Five of these collections located in the region are parts of biological collections of Museums, Universities or Nature Reserves. The total amount of specimens of fungi in these collections reaches about 10.000. The largest part of the collected and identified specimens is stored utside the borders of Yugra in the federal Russian collections (like LE, Botanical Institute in Saint-Petersburg) or in other collections located in researchers institutions.
Study Extent | The dataset includes species occurrences of Fungi and Myxomycota made within the administrative borders of Yugra from the beginning of 20th century up to present. A total of about 180 scientific works were published, but only part of them (79 publications) reported species occurrences and were usefull to compile the dataset. |
Quality Control | The species identifications from the original publications were recorded in the database: no attempt was implemented to make any revision of the species identification accuracy. Taxonomic names spelling was verified using GBIF Species Matching tool. Taxonomic names were brought to modern synonyms by the same source. Possible georeferencing errors at the scale of region were corrected manually (using QGIS software) by eliminating outliers falling beyond of the Yugra borders. The uncertainties of coordinates were accepted as follows: for records which were georeferenced using GPS in the field (coordinates provided in publications) – up to 1000 m, for records which were georeferenced from geographic names provided in publications (using – 50000 m. |
Method step description:
- The bibliography of mycological publications related to Yugra region was compiled and the history review of previous studies was published (Filippova et al., 2017a, 2017b).
- The layout of the Fungal Records Database of Yugra (FReDY) was made using Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets software. The database was organized based on DarwinCore standards (Филиппова, Большаков, 2017).
- All available publications withspecies occurrences of fungi and myxomycetes were used for compillation of the database.
- Every species occurrence with its locality informaiton and other related data was added as a single record.
- The coordinate uncertainty differed from records with coordinates taken directly in the field to mere indication of a district (or region). The uncertainty was recorded in «coordinateUncertaintyInMeters» accordingly.
- Russial locality names were translated to English using Yandex.maps ( for «locality» field. Russian descriptions were reserved in the field «verbatimLocality» for accuracy.
- The «eventDate» (date of collection) was extracted from publications when possible, otherwise the date of publication was used.
- The collection numbers were extracted from publications when provided: about a third of the records had «fieldNumber».
- The provided habitat features, the substrates and related host plant species were imported in «habitat».
- The original species names were corrected for spelling using GBIF "Species matching" tool.
- The synonymization was done using GBIF "Species matching" tool. The original names as reported in publications were preserved in the «OriginalNameUsage».
Bibliographic Citations
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- Stavishenko I. V. 2002. Transformatsiya lesnykh soobshchestv ksilotrofnykh gribov pod vozdeystviem NGD [Transformation of xylotrophic fungal communities in forests under oil and gas extraction impact]. In: Degradatsiya i demutatsiya lesnykh ekosistem v usloviyakh neftegazodobychi [Degradation and demutation of forest ecosystems under impact of oil an gas extraction]. Zalesov S.V. et al. (Eds.). Ekaterinburg, 278–338. [in Russian]
- Stavishenko I. V. 2003. Ksilotrofnye makromitsety yuzhnoy chasti territorii Zapovedno-prirodnogo parka «Sibirskie Uvaly» [Xylotrophic macromycetes of south part of Nature Park «Sibirskie Uvaly»]. In: [Ecological studies of eastern part of Nature Park «Sibirskie Uvaly»: collection of scientific papers], 26–35. [in Russian]
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- Stavishenko I. V. 2007. Materialy k vidovomu raznoobraziyu afilloforoidnykh gribov zapovednika «Malaya Sosva» [Additions to species diversity of Aphyllophoroid fungi in the Malaya Sosva nature reserve]. Biologicheskie resursy i prirodopolzovanie [Biological resources and nature management] 10: 116–127. [in Russian]
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Additional Metadata
Purpose | The dataset accumulates fungal records of fungi and myxomycetes made in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra and published in scientific literature from the beginning of mycological research in the region up to date. It was intended to summarize the results of inventory of fungi in the region. |
Maintenance Description | The database will be updated according to publication of new sources containing fungal records, about once a year. |
Alternative Identifiers | 29e78377-34c3-4c91-8062-550069a92b70 | |